Debunking Casino Myths

Over the years, gambling has evolved so much and countless additions and innovations are consistently being implemented. Since the introduction of online betting sites, it has been more evident that changes were a huge leap from what gambling was from the past. Despite all of this, the thing that has always remained is the many misconceptions that are related to it.

It may come to you as a surprise that whatever kind of gambling it may be, some myths persist to follow it. Today we are here to talk about the different betting sites and casino myths.

Why myths are a thing

The word “myth” would most certainly make you think of the many ancient stories, lore, and perhaps even fairy tales. They are commonly surrounded by mysteries that neither science nor existing experts could explain and decipher.

Many centuries have passed, new myths always seem to emerge in every corner of the planet. It is commonly associated and tied with a certain tradition, culture, and sometimes, other beliefs.

According to Roald E. Kristiansen, an associate professor at the Department of History and Religious Studies at the University of Tromso, “nation-building myths often develop in a time of crisis, for example, if there is a war or a period of great political or ideological upheaval.” He added that in such situations, people have no other option but to create unity and a future that speaks a lot about ideals from the past.

Myths work because it is being retold and passed down to people of different generations, making it an instrument of power to those who promote it.

Nowadays, the word “myth” is often linked to “fiction” with no hints of any truth to it at all. But just because something is a myth, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is not true. This gray area is what keeps people from being intrigued by myths time and time again.

Going back to the main topic at hand, Casinos are also subject to many popular casino myths. Many sports betting websites such as Singapore betting sites and those that are from the US, these myths are everywhere. Here are some of the most popular casino myths and we’re here to debunk them.

Myth #1: Winning is all about luck

While the idea of winning with nothing but pure luck is all fun to experience, it is not the whole story when it comes to gambling. At least for some games, to win and lose is more often than not dependent on the game and situation. If you ask a gambler with years of experience in a slot casino online whether winning is a matter of luck or skill, chances are they’ll say it’s all about luck. But casino players who play poker, blackjack, or even those who do online sports betting, there can be math behind all of it.

It’s not to say that you need to be a math whiz to beat the system and win every single game. Knowing at least your statistical edge and probabilities are what makes professional gamblers a pro.

Myth #2: The more you play, the better player you’ll become

It makes sense that the more time you spend on doing something makes things better for you over time. That is why people always practice. They wanted to perfect whatever it is that they are doing.

Unfortunately, similar to the first myth, it’s not always the case. For games that rely on pure chance like roulette, slots, and lotteries, playing for a longer amount of time would cost you not only your money but your precious time, too.

Some people also believe that if you play long enough, especially after a hopeless losing streak, a winning streak is soon to follow next. This is clearly not true. Suffice to say, every chance is an independent situation with its odds and probabilities.

Myth #3: Casinos let you win on certain occasions to prevent players from walking away

Another popular conspiracy is that casinos are casually monitoring your play activities and would swoop in to let you win if they notice that you are about to lose interest in playing more. Online betting sites are no exceptions. People would also often believe that casinos are giving out free casino games to keep gamblers from walking away.

Debunking this myth is fairly easy. Casinos, especially online sports betting or casino websites heavily rely on RNG or random number generator which is unbelievably hard to manipulate. Additionally, local governments regularly conduct inspections and audits to ensure fair play.

online casino myths

Should you believe in myths?

Myths have proven that time after time, it is unavoidable. One would eventually emerge at some point and it has become an integral part of human evolution.

As gambling continues to evolve, so are the beliefs and perceptions of gamblers of different kinds. It’s never wrong to believe in such myths. We just need to learn how to live with them and understand that one should not profoundly rely on hearsays or even luck.

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